Verbenaz Limited
Verbenaz Limited is an active limited company with the company number HE385376. It was incorporated on June 20, 2018, which is about 5 years ago from the current date. The jurisdiction under which the company is registered is Cyprus. The registered address of the company is Κάσου, 13, Στρόβολος, 2062, Λευκωσία, Κύπρος, Cyprus.
There have been several filings for Verbenaz Limited, including a transfer of shares on July 4, 2018. The company was registered as a private company with share capital on June 20, 2018.
The company had some officer additions on June 20, 2018. However, the details of these officers are not available without logging in.
In addition to this, Verbenaz Ltd is known to own or operate casinos. One such casino is Vulkan.Bet, which offers an exclusive 200% bonus of up to €/$2,000!